Today we had 2 races ont the program Bierges 92km and Pont St Max 303 km. The pigeons in Bierges where liberated at 08:45 and with the WSW wind we expected a speed above 92 km/h. We send 72 and at 09:44 we get out first from the wrong direction and all the others came back from the North.
They came very fasty and finally we made a prize percentage from 67%.
In Section Rayon 4 we won approx. 6254 bs.: 211,35,121,127,149,190,204,205,244,253,271,290,363,426,436 etc.
1st bird 15-888 is a hen who won every year a lot of prizes also on log distance and this year she allready won 11 prizes. The father won 12th NPO Sens 14244 bs. and is a crossinf from topbreeder “Zbigniew” paired to “Unbelievable 51”. The mother is top racing hen “Chimayke” who won lot of very good prizes.
2nd bird 16-583 was a tophen as yearling with 19 prizes and this year she won 11 prizes.
Father is “Niels” 1st Creil 6075 bs. and is a son to base-hen “Esmee” paired to “Super Ace 10”.
Mother is “Wouwerke 676” a 100% vd Wouwer from Bart Verbeek Poppel and she bred some very good pigeons.
To Pont St Max 303km we send 122 youngsters. These where liberated at 07:30 and the first 3 we get from the good direction at 10:47 and the went direct on the trapp. They came very quick an finally we win Provincial 67 prizes. Provinciaal approx 8001 bs. we won : 11,12,13,56,63,68,71,96,99,121,122,180,182,184,191,212,311,313,314,346,358
1st bird 18-301 was just paired and won her 2nd prize of the season with earlier 27th 1160 bs.
The father is fro clubmember Reijnen-Bolton and the mother is a daughter to base-hen “Esmee” paired to “Super Ace 10”.
2nd bird 18-244 won fort he 4th time prize and won earlier 48th 2129 bs. Father is “Chateauroux 99” with 18th National Chateauroux 37794 bs. and the mother is a daughetr to 1st National ace “Romy”.
3rd bird 18-417 won his 2nd prize after he was paired last week so that was a good motivation. Father is a brother to National ace “Romy” and the mother is direct Bart Verbeek and is a crossing vd Wouwer with B&N van Oeckel.